
EnAlgae work packages

What is a work package?

A work package is a tool used in project management that breaks down a larger project into smaller ones. Work packages help define the key outputs of the project and help ensure that all the necessary steps are taken to meet both the long and short term objectives. EnAlgae partners are working on three work packages as follows.

EnAlgae work package one (WP1) – NW European Network of Algal Pilots

Objective: To maximise the transnational value of pilot scale algal culture facilities across NWE.

This will be achieved by creating an integrated network that incorporates an up-to-date inventory of current and planned pilots. Representative pilots will collect and share data and best practices in a standardised manner. Demonstrations will be provided to diverse project partners, observers and stakeholders.


  • Create and operate a network of nine algal pilot facilities across NWE
  • Develop and exchange of best practice for algal strain selection and exploitation
  • Up-to-date inventory of current and planned facilities in NWE and standardised data management system
  • Provide demonstrations to a diverse range of partners, observers, and stakeholders

EnAlgae work package two (WP2) – Sustainable algae to energy market for NW Europe

Objective: To identify political, economic, social and technological opportunities which promote the adoption of algal biomass within NWE.

Communication of these opportunities will assist policy makers, industry and investors in regards to understanding which algal production systems, standards and end use markets are applicable to the region.

Outputs: Assess market and economics; assess technology expertiseUndertake policy landscaping analysisDefine regulatory and planning issuesIdentify life-cycle analysis and sustainability issues

EnAlgae work package three (WP3) – Decision support tool for practitioners, policy makers and investors

Objective: To combine information across the algal bioenergy delivery chain into a comprehensive and user friendly ICT tool which will facilitate decision making, identify gaps in current knowledge and capability, and provide a roadmap by which stakeholders can focus future actions in the region.

Outputs: Develop modular ICT framework to capture general and specialised process knowledgeValidate tool using different algal biomass production scenarios. Launch ICT tool via online Algal Information Network (AIN)